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/ Center Introduction
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/ Center Introduction
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/ Center Introduction
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/ Center Introduction
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/ Center Introduction
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water energy conversion system
service items
Energy smart energy storage technology
What can water energy systems do for the planet?
Let the temperature of the earth drop by Χ°C
Soka Water becomes a water energy system with 5 functions
Benefits of using natural energy conversion energy storage system in science and technology workshops
The construction of a closed water energy reservoir can be classified and graded according to the actual use, and it can also stabilize the water supply during droughts, and store rainwater during extreme rainstorms to effectively prevent flood disasters.
The water demand of TSMC Zhongke Plant (Plant 15) is 16,000 tons per day, and the annual water demand is 5.84 million tons.
Assuming that a 400 m X 400 m X 10 m closed water energy reservoir is built, 1.6 million tons of water can be supplied stably during the dry season.
The energy needed during the day is produced at night and stored in a closed water energy reservoir to supply ice water and hot water demand, shifting peak power loads.
Source: TSMC Water Resources Management
Energy Smart Supply and Transmission Technology
Water Energy System - Smart Energy Management
Energy Smart Conversion Technology
Water resource energy management system
Two sets of equipment (systems) are required to meet the cooling/heating requirements of the building
conventional energy planning
Buildings planned by various units or enterprises today require both cooling and heat sources.
When a cold source is required, use an air conditioner to create a cold source.
When a heat source is needed, a hot water boiler, an electric water heater, a heat pump, etc. are used to manufacture the heat source.
Energy Planning of Water Resources Energy Conversion System
Now only one set of equipment (system) can meet the needs of building coolers and heat sources
Reduce the space used in the construction of the computer room
Comparison of Xi-style and water-resource energy conversion systems
Introduction of energy conversion unit
Energy conversion unit field test data
Water resource energy conversion system
The energy of the building is balanced on the ground,
It can be described as the best energy conversion center and the best energy storage center for green energy
System Architecture Diagram
Energy autonomous management
Energy autonomous management process
The core work of energy self-management
Energy Review Highlights
Energy Autonomous Management Process - Implementation and Operation
Energy Autonomous Management Process - Measurement and Analysis
Energy Autonomous Management Process - Review Management
Take the air compressor system as an example
From the energy load curve of the air compressor system, after discussing its unreasonable energy usage.
First, we will discuss the unreasonable aspects, which are system piping problems, resulting in energy loss, or poor equipment efficiency.
Propose improvement plans and plans for their problems, and make improvements.
Keep track of improvements.